The scheme, from the group also known as APT28, involves targeting Eastern European diplomats in need of personal transportation, tempting them with a purported good deal on a Audi Q7 Quattro SUV.
Автор: Nathan Eddy, Contributing Writer
Russia’s ‘Fighting Ursa’ APT Uses Car Ads to Install HeadLace Malware
The scheme, from the group also known as APT28, involves targeting Eastern European diplomats in need of personal transportation, tempting them with a purported good deal on a Audi Q7 Quattro SUV.
China-Backed Phishing Attack Targets India Postal System Users
A large text-message phishing attack campaign attributed to the China-based Smishing Triad employs malicious iMessages.
Notorious Chinese Hacker Gang GhostEmperor Re-Emerges After 2 Years
After an extended period underground, the Chinese hackers have added a more sophisticated infection chain and additional EDR evasion techniques.